Exhibitor Registration

“Midwest Haunters Convention is definitely the convention for some of our most dedicated and innovative customers. MHC perfectly straddles the line between fun and professionalism, providing an atmosphere that’s as conducive to selling as it is to connecting with the kind of people who live and breathe for their haunted attractions.” – Doug Anderson, FrightProps

Last year the Midwest Haunters Convention once again set attendance records ! There were thousands of people in attendance who enjoyed great educational seminars, fun social events, and, most importantly, spent a lot of money with our vendors. We once again showed that this show is for buyers.

For 2025 MHC will continue with its successful formula of offering a vibrant trade show, an informative seminar series, and awesome social events. There are many reasons why you, as someone offering a product or service that appeals to the haunt industry should attend MHC:

  • 5000 haunt industry people expected to be in attendance
  • Demographics: 50% haunt owners/operators, 25% home haunters, 25% actors and makeup personnel
  • Well-known reputation as a cash and carry buyer’s show
  • Very affordable booth pricing

Dollar for dollar the Midwest Haunters Convention is one of the most affordable shows for vendors to attend.  With a lower cost of attending MHC is also the most profitable show many vendors do each year.

2025 Pricing

  • Bring your own items to your booth.
  • Drive in and unload your items directly on the show floor!
  • Utilize FREE assistance with unloading and loading!
  • No fee for using your dolly or handcarts.
  • Handcarts will be available for use onsite ( subject to availability)


  • Ship direct to the convention center !
  • Have your merchandise brought directly to your booth with NO additional fees!

Exhibitor Options

Full Booth

  • 10′ x 10′ Booth – Includes one 6′ skirted table, two chairs, waste basket, company sign, pipe and drape
  • Early Bird Price: $800
    After April 22, 2025 $850
  • Corner Booth – add $50
  • Limited number available, first-come, first-served. These WILL sell out!

Table Top

  • 6′ Table, 1 Chair, company sign & a wastebasket in an 8′ x 8′ space
  • Early Bird Price: $500
    After April 22, 2025  $525
  • Limited number available, first-come, first-served. These WILL sell out!

Don’t Wait — Reserve Your Booth Today!
Download and fill out the relevant form below, then email your completed form to rich@haashow.com

The linked files above are in PDF format. Clicking them will open them directly in your web browser if you have the latest version of Adobe Reader‘s plugin installed. Otherwise you may get errors or a blank screen. You can also save each PDF to your computer by right-clicking each link below (Mac: CTRL-click) and choosing “Save Link As…”*, and following the prompts from there. Then, once the PDF has saved to your computer, you can open it directly (independently of your browser), as long as you have the latest version of Adobe Reader installed.

*”Save Link As…” is what you get in Chrome and Firefox. In Internet Explorer it’s ”Save target as…”; in Safari, it’s “Download Linked File As…”. If you’re using a different browser, the command might be worded a little differently, but you get the idea!

You can get the latest version of Adobe Reader directly from Adobe HERE.